Alex Rushton

I have been a member of Walton Wordsmiths for the last fifteen years. I joined when the group was run by the exuberant Wendy Hughes  who encouraged and enthused all of us aspiring writers. Walton Wordsmiths has been an integral part of my life ever since and a place where I have found comradeship and inspiration.

I worked for many years as an academic and later in the NHS as a therapist. Initially I wrote academic papers before branching out into fiction writing. I write because I feel inspired… the book wants to be written, although I often have no idea where the ideas come from, it’s like a stream of consciousness! I find editing the most challenging, but it has to be done. Each novel takes me at least a couple of years to complete. I have now written three novels. The first two have been published by SCRIPTORA, in association with the Society of Women Writers and Journalists (SWWJ). The third is currently being edited prior to publication.

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