Howard Schaverien

I gained a degree in English literature from the Open University as a mature student in 2015 but I had no clear idea of whether or not I wanted to write. I decided to give it a try and joined Walton Wordsmiths in 2017. Here I met a dedicated and friendly group of people who had work already published; they gave me the impetus to put pen to paper.  I write for the enjoyment and the satisfaction it entails. It is a leisure activity without the scourge of deadlines.

I am most comfortable writing poems and short stories some of which I have transposed into plays for radio and theatre. One, ‘Lost and Found’, was performed at the Riverside theatre as part of the RC Sherriff Trust Festival in October of 2019. I submitted the play only through the encouragement of the Walton Wordsmiths who were adamant that I should not let it languish in my ‘Completed Folder’ untouched and unread.

Everyone at our group supports each other and this has helped me to become a more competent writer. I have also had my work performed at the Writers and Actors Workshop, affiliated to the SWWJ. Particularly helpful is the critique after the performance, especially from the actors involved. It is nerve-wracking but their observations and suggestions have never failed to help sharpen and hone my writing.

I am working on a half-hour script which I plan to submit to BBC Radio 4 and this should be complete in the next couple of months. My preference is to continue with shorter works rather than the longer journey typing through the pages of a novel.

Short stories

A Christmas Wish