
June Blog

Summer sun has seen us all writing again. Time spent on administrative chores has been replaced with writing short stories which we read to each other and then critique. We aim to encourage and to improve our skills. So far, so good.
Guy continues to write his latest novel and is also looking to publish the latest in his series of books on traditional windmills. Alex is close to publishing her prequel, ‘The Asymmetric Man.’ Ann and I are happy producing short stories and monologues. If we could summon the impetus to write a novel we would glue ourselves to our lap-tops and clatter away on the keyboard.
For me, an important ingredient for writing is stickability, and the support offered by our group has meant that I have written a lot more than I would have done without their help. Of course, you can say that you need a good idea, a framework for a story and, to turn that novel into a best seller, talent. Well, yes this is true but there are many of us who write for ourselves. If it becomes a publishing success that is even better. I recall a lecture by Wendy Cope the poet and for all her success she told us all, ‘don’t give up the day job.’
If it helps for someone to pat you on the back and encourage you when your writing starts to drag, why not join us. If you are looking for amiable company, support and encouragement and are prepared to reciprocate why not fill in the box below.


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