
May Blog

Well here we are at the beginning of May with some lock down restrictions still in place. Walton Wordsmiths continue to meet on Zoom, although we all hope to see each other in person before too long. Zoom has been a life saver but lacks the personal touch and spontaneity of face to face conversations.

At our meetings we continue to share our own writing and discuss publishing and marketing options. Alex is exploring marketing through Amazon, which is proving to be very time consuming. Guy is contacting various publishers for his latest work of non-fiction. Howard is considering expanding one of his short stories into a book and I am trying to improve my Monologue technique.

If there are any writers out there who would like to share their writing experiences we would be pleased to hear from you. Writing can be a lonely pastime, especially in lockdown, and we value the fellowship of sharing our experiences, both good and bad.


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