
September Blog

Well here we are in September, where has the year gone? With August being a big disappointment weather wise, we are hoping for an Indian summer to sustain us through the winter.

I find the autumn and winter rather sad times of the year and my writing reflects this, my stories all seem to have unhappy endings or a downbeat theme.  The opposite is true when the sun is shining, I feel in a positive and more optimistic frame of mind and, as a result, my writing is upbeat with fulfilled smiling characters.

I wonder if I am alone in this. Are others also affected by the seasons? Are there times of the year when the words and ideas just flow from your pen/computer and others when you can hardly fill a page? Or are you one of the fortunate writers who are productive regardless of outside influences?

If you would like to share your own writing experiences good or bad I, (or we at Walton Wordsmiths) would love to hear from you. I’m sure this will be a helpful discussion for us all.


One reply on “September Blog”

Thanks for this Ann. I find I feel more inspired to write on rainy, cold, dull days when I can settle down with pen and paper. I usually write by hand first, then edit on the computer.. Autumn and winter are good times to hibernate for me when I can settle down with my writing and concentrate for longer period of time. In the summer I like to be out and about, in the sunshine, drinking in the warmth and vibrancy of nature!.

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