
August Blog

Apart from Guy who is a stunningly prolific, dedicated and tenacious writer, we have had a lull in our creative writing, mainly because it is summer and we are out and about or away from home. However, we are still reading out our pieces during our face-to-face meetings and sometimes share our writing online.

During our recent meeting Ann shared a poem she wrote some time ago called ‘Storms’ in which she reminisces about seaside holidays.

This month Guy’s windmill books have been very well-received by his dedicated followers and he has other books which will be published soon. He also intends to submit an article to the SWWJ about how male writers depict female characters in their novels.

He has submitted his latest novel ‘Theory of Death’ to a number of agents and one publisher. The novel is about a group of scientists on an island and is a heady mix of religion, science, politics and espionage. Sounds interesting!

In the meeting we encouraged Howard to submit some of his plays for consideration by the BBC. Howard has shared some of these with us over the years and they really are extremely good. He has recently penned a piece of descriptive writing inspired by a childhood memory, which he read to us. In it he describes his vivid memories of a school master who exhibits quirky behaviour, which made us all laugh.

For the meeting I fished out an imaginative piece I had written in 1991 and read it to the group. It was about a surreal journey across an unknown landscape.

We look forward to meeting up in September when we intend to do some creative writing in our group session and see what comes of it. A novel, a short story, a poem, or an article – we’ll see.


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