
February Blog


Christmas has long gone and the wintry, short daylight hours of January are over. With February comes the hope of warmer weather and the wonders of Spring.

Those of us who made New Year’s Resolutions are either smugly patting ourselves on the back, or trying to forget we were ever rash enough to think we could achieve them.

Alex is still waiting patiently to hear whether her latest book ‘The Asymmetric Man’ is to be published. Guy has been out of action for the past month with computer problems but we hope he will be back with us soon. Austin continues to write his obituaries in addition to his new venture on the highs and lows of working in a G.P. practice. Both Howard and myself are content with our short story/monologue writing.

Perhaps you have decided that 2022 is the year to write the book that’s been swirling around in your head for years, or to enrol on a writing course. Whatever your writing ambitions now is the time to get started.

Good Luck


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