
December Blog

In October I was aware that November was looming, the month when writers are encourages to ‘write a novel in a month’. Although the intention was there in my mind – no surprise I didn’t manage it. I have had the seed and outline of my next novel, which will form part of the Blake Carter series, for a couple of years, but need a chunk of time to sit and flush out my ideas without interruptions. This isn’t now, with the commitments I have at present. Perhaps Guy has managed it? Always a great role model for us with his tenacity and explorative flowing ideas, be it an inspirational novel or other writing, such as windmills, Dr Who or politics. His writing always fascinates me, and his daily writing work ethic is a motivating force. Ann and Howard are also inspiring writers and usually share something new at our fortnightly zoom meetings each month which make me either laugh or think.

I have been zooming monthly with the Society of Authors ‘Novelists in London’ group and have a pile of the ‘The Author’ (SOA monthly magazines) to pass onto Guy when I see him, which will be soon. We will be running the bookstall together at the SWWJ (Society of Women Writers and Journalists) Christmas Tea next week at the National Liberal Club in London. Our WW group hoped to meet up in person last month but, for a variety of reasons, this wasn’t possible. Sadly, we are back on zoom.

However, we are very pleased to welcome Austin Mutti – Mewse as a new member of our group. He has an impressive portfolio and his profile can be found on the WW members’ page. Welcome Austin!

I feel in no man’s land at the moment as I am still waiting for further feedback on my novel ‘The Asymmetric Man’ which is being considered by the publisher. I have had to develop patience, something I’ve always had in short supply. What will be will be. Meanwhile, happily, the pen and paper/word processor are patient, and always ready when the muse calls.

Happy Christmas!
Alex Rushton

You can read Ann Braine’s Christmas short story here: Indecision

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