
March Blog

The nursery rhyme The North Wind Doth Blow came to mind last week during one very stormy afternoon. I had always associated the blowy weather with the month of March but this year it came a lot earlier. Did it blow the cobwebs away? Well, yes, and our group has been invigorated.

We meet up, on Zoom, every two weeks and at the end of each session we set ourselves a subject to write about which we read at the next meeting. Many of the stories are amusing and a joy to listen to. And it is fun to write them. Some are based on real events and others come straight out of our imagination.

It always strikes me how much fertile material there is tucked away in our heads and with just a little prodding we can fill an A4 sheet of paper. Our last assignment was, ‘What we really wanted to say to the Customer Service Representative.’ The submissions were hilarious and we all had a good laugh.

Guy and Trudy are waiting to publish, though Covid-19 and now the Ukraine situation is likely to cause delays. Austin has completed his latest book which is also going through the process toward publication. Our patience will eventually be rewarded and our group, I can say with confidence, has momentum.

Stay safe


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