
February Blog


Christmas has long gone and the wintry, short daylight hours of January are over. With February comes the hope of warmer weather and the wonders of Spring.

Those of us who made New Year’s Resolutions are either smugly … Read on...


December Blog

In October I was aware that November was looming, the month when writers are encourages to ‘write a novel in a month’. Although the intention was there in my mind – no surprise I didn’t manage it. I have had … Read on...


October Blog

The last two months have been hard even to lift the pen up from the desk. For some it has been for personal reasons which would have stopped anyone. For me, it was the dread hand of inertia. Just failing … Read on...


September Blog

Well here we are in September, where has the year gone? With August being a big disappointment weather wise, we are hoping for an Indian summer to sustain us through the winter.

I find the autumn and winter rather sad … Read on...


August Blog

Dear friends, visitors and fellow readers and writers, welcome to our Walton Wordsmiths website.

Now that summer is upon us we are all out and about more, but the magic of Zoom means that, wherever we are, we can still … Read on...


July Blog

Have any of you ever tried writing a whodunnit? Every thriller is one to some extent, because things like who did what and why have to be concealed from the reader until later on in the story, or its end, … Read on...


June Blog

Summer sun has seen us all writing again. Time spent on administrative chores has been replaced with writing short stories which we read to each other and then critique. We aim to encourage and to improve our skills. So far, … Read on...


May Blog

Well here we are at the beginning of May with some lock down restrictions still in place. Walton Wordsmiths continue to meet on Zoom, although we all hope to see each other in person before too long. Zoom has been … Read on...


New Website

Welcome to our new website!

It has been made possible following a generous grant from the R. C. Sherriff Trust. Thank you! There are also many other people to thank!

Thanks to Tim Mitchell for helping us get this up … Read on...